Upgrades and Hop-ups for the Axial RR10 Bomber

By: Tim Gluth

When I added Axial’s RR10 Bomber Rock Racer to my collection of radio-controlled vehicles, I didn’t expect it to become one of my favorite rigs to wheel. However, after my first full battery run, I was in love with this 1/10-scale off-roading beast.

Although the RR10 Bomber is an exceptional model in stock form, giving it custom flair and personalization is part of what makes this hobby so enjoyable. Below are a variety of options to customize not only the look but also the performance and handling aspects of this popular off-road warrior.

Appearance Upgrades

Body Panel Kits

The stock body of the Axial RR10 Bomber is made up of separate panels, making customization quite easy. If you’re looking for a fresh look, here are some body panel kits which can get you headed in the right direction.

Skins & Wraps

If you’d prefer to keep your stock body panels in place, but still yearn for something new, check out these skin and wrap options.


Another easy way to get a customized look on your Axial RR10 Bomber is upgrading the wheels. Not only is this a visual enhancement, but it’s a way to add some weight to your rig for improved crawling balance.


Based on the 1:1 Bomber Fabrication rock racing rig of Randy Slawson, the RR10 Bomber has scale visuals built-in, but there’s always room for more. Here are a handful of accessories and body mods for adding a splash of scale to your rock-crunching machine.

Performance Upgrades

Motor & ESC

While the 35T brushed motor which is included with the ready-to-run (RTR) RR10 Bomber features plenty of torque, it can be lacking in top-end speed. Thankfully, there are an array of motor options from brushed to brushless, to help get your Bomber up to speed.

Drivetrain & Axles

Having ample power and torque is great, but you need to make sure your drivetrain can handle the extra wear and tear. Here are a handful of upgrade pieces to make your RR10 as bulletproof as possible.

Suspension & Chassis

While new shocks and suspension pieces can be considered visual upgrades, they also serve a functional use in helping brace your rig during impacts.

Tires & Foams

While you’re adding power and performance to your RR10 Bomber, make sure you add rock-shredding grip to help you claw your way out of tough situations.

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