R/C Hobbyist Spotlight: James Tabar

Hobbies provide us with an escape from the daily grind. For many, radio-controlled cars and trucks provide a deeper connection to their underlying passion for the automobile. Personally, this hobby allows me to own some dream machines, even if they are on a smaller scale. Still others find comfort in the hobby on different levels. One hobbyist I’ve gotten to know over the years uses his involvement with R/C vehicles for not only enjoyment, but also as a coping mechanism.
After suffering a work injury a few years ago, James Tabar has been living with day-to-day pain, both from the accident and the treatment. Radio-controlled cars, a hobby that he first discovered as a child, now helps him keep his mind focused on his fleet of R/C machines, and not the pain that he carries with him daily.
To say that he has recently discovered the hobby would be incorrect. James has been involved with hobby-grade radio-controlled vehicles since the age of 8. After “using up” His fair share of store-bought, toy-grade R/C machines, he got his first taste of a kit-built vehicle with Team Associated’s RC10 Gold Pan buggy.
That first kit led the way for others and he soon found himself adding kits to his growling collection. And what a collection it is. James tells me that he has over 30 R/C machines in his lineup, with everything ranging from cars and trucks to a boat and a racing quadcopter.
With various models such as the Marui Ninja, Axial’s RR10 Bomber, Zelos Twin, Graupner Alpha 250Q, an Axial SCX10-based rig and a drift-modified RC4WD TrailFinder 2 (aptly named “DriftFinder 2”), His personal taste in vehicles Is wide and varied, however he proclaims to be a Team Associated fan at his core and centers his driving time around the scale trail and drift “scenes”. He participates in a local Tengu Drift Club and also ventures out onto trails and terrain in Northern California.
“...there is something about a Scale truck that captures the imagination. That’s also similar with my drift truck, you get into a zone and you get so immersed that you often forget that it’s a toy, I love that escape.. Keep RC fun, support your local hobby shop....”
Though his time spent in the R/C hobby, James has also gravitated toward a second hobby; photography. He began photographing his vehicles while out on the trail and at the track and has developed a knack for capturing the personality of his vehicles. That creative eye has allowed him to cover the NorCal RC scene, sharing his view of the hobby with would-be enthusiasts.
James also volunteers his time at his local hobby shop as a consultant for those looking to get into the scale and trail side of this pastime.
You can follow James and his journey through the world of R/C And see more of his photography and videos on Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube.
Image credit: James Tabar