New T-Bone Racing EXO Cage Options for the ARRMA Kraton & Talion

By: Tim Gluth

T-Bone Racing has released two new 'EXO Cage' products for the ARRMA Kraton and ARRMA Talion. Both of these cage options will help protect the body shell of these basher-focused beasts, allowing you to push each machine to its limits.

Made from durable nylon, each EXO cage mounts onto the body by way of included mounting hardware. As part of T-Bone Racing's second-generation design, you won't need to unhook or undo any additional hardware or connections whenever you need to get to the internal components of your ARRMA machine. Simply pull off the body and the EXO cage will come with it.

T-Bone Racing ARRMA Kraton EXO Cage

New T-Bone Racing EXO Cage Options:

Each EXO cage is priced at $49.99 and is available online. Visit the for complete product details.

Image credit: T-Bone Racing

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