New ECX Barrage Upgrades from ScalerFab

By: Tim Gluth

Bumpers, rock sliders and more to help you get trail-ready.

The ECX Barrage has been gaining fan within the scale R/C and “rock crawling” community, both for its features and its price. At under $200, this is an attractive entry-level machine that can get anyone, young or old, into the radio-controlled trail rig scene.

ScalerFab ECX Barrage Upgrades

While the base Barrage has a look all its own, customizing it to make it your own is all part of the fun. The team at ScalerFab has been creating bolt-on accessories for many popular trail and scale R/C rigs over the years, and they’ve rolled out their own lineup of items for the Barrage.

ScalerFab ECX Barrage Rock Sliders

Crafted from steel, the ScalerFab accessories not only add visual appeal to this 1/12 trail rig, but they also provide durability and toughness for when you encounter tricky obstacles and rough terrain. The full line of ECX Barrage upgrades will have you covered from bumper-to-bumper:

All of these components are available in various finishes and colors (based on part). Additional details on the complete line of ECX Barrage ScalerFab upgrades can be found at

Image credit: ScalerFab

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