First Drive and Initial Impressions: Axial RR10 Bomber Rock Racer [Video]
The start of a new year called for something special. With the Axial RR10 Bomber sitting in my RC garage, looking pristine and glorious, it was time to head outdoors and see what this machine could do in an outdoor setting. With a few inches of snow on the ground, that would provide an added level of intrigue as well. After a battery pack run, I was not disappointed by the results.
I was on the fence about the RR10 Bomber before, during, and after making this purchase. Looking back, I'm not sure why I was on the fence about this vehicle. I had three specific models that I was looking at, The Axial Wraith Spawn, the Axial Yeti, and the Axial RR10 Bomber. Any of these vehicles would have been great additions to my R/C garage and all would have provided ample amounts of fun (which for me is paramount). After some chatter with a friend (who owns a Wraith), it appeared that the RR10 Bomber was the way to go. After I see those thoughts written out, they sounds silly, and maybe they are. But there was some unease about my purchase that I couldn't put a finger on. Needless to say, that vanished the first time I powered this machine up and took it for a drive.
With more test, trail runs, and overall adventures planned for this rig, I'm looking forward to experiencing the full extent of Axial's latest creation.
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