Celebrating the First 15 Years of Axial [Video]

By: Tim Gluth

Take a stroll down memory lane as Axial employees of past and present recount the brand's first 15 years.

Certain models and brands hold a special place in your heart for various reasons. Axial is one brand that I fondly think of when it comes to my progression in this hobby. The SCX10 was my first R/C "scaler" and it's a rig that I've enjoyed wheeling for many years.

Axial's own story doesn't begin with the SCX10 or even the AX10. In fact, it doesn't begin with crawling at all. As they celebrate 15 years of R/C adventure, a group of Axial employees, past and present, share the story of the brand's beginnings and where they see it heading in the future.

If you love hobby history and gravitate toward the scaler/crawler side of the radio-controlled world, I'm sure you'll enjoy this look into Axial's past and present.

Image credit: Axial

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