A few pieces of racing news as we approach the weekend. Announcement #7: 2014 West Coast Nationals at HRCP, Aug 14-17 - (posted on Videos) R/C Complex Trophy Race AUG 31st!! - (posted on R/C Tech Forums)
A few pieces of racing news as we approach the weekend. Announcement #7: 2014 West Coast Nationals at HRCP, Aug 14-17 - (posted on Videos) R/C Complex Trophy Race AUG 31st!! - (posted on R/C Tech Forums)
The weekend is almost here! Time to charge up those batteries, top off the nitro, and head to the track! ‘The Dirt’ U.S. Pro Cup finals in Chico - (posted on NeoBuggy.net - Offroad RC Car News) Tekin signs on as IIC 2014 title sponsor - (posted on RCNews.net - RC Car News) RC Raceway […]
Here's a few of the latest news items from competition side of the radio-controlled car hobby. RACE COVERAGE: 2013 Hot Rod Hobbies Off-Road Shootout - (posted on LiveRC.com) IERC's third annual race up in smoke - (posted on LiveRC.com) HELP SAVE THE TRACK - CAL RACEWAY - (posted on R/C Tech Forums) 2014 Summer Scorcher […]
Why Did the Chicken Sandwich Jump Two Semis? To get to the other side...in style. Keeping with the theme of cool R/C videos, this little stunt has been making the rounds this week and is something to behold. Lee Martin (Mugen-backed R/C racer) piloted his truggy, along with a chicken sandwich, over two semi trucks […]
For those of you looking to take on a more ambitious project this weekend, I give you this; a 1/4-scale, gas-powered replica of Grave Digger monster truck. I need to give a hat-tip to John Bernard for letting me know about this amazing build. The amount of work that has gone into this machine must […]