Carisma's Scale Adventure Rig Set to Tackle "The Fix" Enduro

Last week’s teaser from Carisma is starting to gain steam as a three-driver team has been assembled to take on The Pro-Line Fix Enduro on August 26, 2017. The event, to be held in Erzberg, Germany, is a test of driver and machine, no matter what rig is running through the gauntlet. For Carisma to throw their yet-to-be-announced “Scale Adventure” brand vehicle through this ringer speaks volumes for how they feel it will hold up to extreme terrain.
Piloting two ready-to-run (RTR) Carisma Scale Adventure rigs through the treacherous terrain of The Fix are J. Scott Curlin (Ace of Axe), John Wasley and Robb Haze. Stay tuned to the Ace of Axe YouTube channel to follow along as he share’s his thoughts and experiences with this unseen Carisma machine.
Image credit: Carisma
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