You Could Win Big and Give Big During Pro-Line's "12 Days of Christmas Big Give" Sweepstakes

By: Tim Gluth

Pro-Line's "12 Days of Christmas Big Give" Sweepstakes is back for another year. Beginning Friday, December 6 through Tuesday, December 17, not only can you can enter for the chance to win some great Pro-Line gear, but you can also help one of four great organizations at the same time.

This year's prize mix includes a selection of:

  • Pro-Line Tire & Wheels - All packages include a full set of wheels & tires (some are pre-mounted).
  • Pro-Line Clear or Painted Bodies - Most packages include a clear body. The Grand Prize packages include a custom painted body by one of the following painters:
  • Four Grand Prize winners will receive a Pro-Line Custom Built Drag Racing Slash® kit and two of the Grand Prizes include a Hobbywing XR10 Pro G2 Sensored Brushless ESC/V10 G3 Motor Combo (6.5T)
  • Pro-Line Apparel Pack with either a T-Shirt or T-Shirt/Hat Combo
  • $50 to $100 Pro-Line Gift Certificate for use on your favorite performance accessories at

On top of those goodies, each winner will also have a donation between the amounts of $1,000 and $5,000 made in their name to one of the following charities:

Apart from their amazing products and support for the hobby, I truly appreciate what Pro-Line does to give back throughout the year. To learn more about their 2019 "12 Days of Christmas Big Give", from the prizes to the charities they're supporting, visit

Image credit: Pro-Line

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