What's your favorite new R/C vehicle of 2014?

Another year is almost in the books and we've seen a number of new and "new" vehicles released into the market. From the popular Axial Yeti (RTR and Kit), Axial Yeti XL, Vaterra Ascender (RTR and Kit), Axial's ever-growing SCX10 line (Ram Power Wagon, Deadbolt, Jeep Wrangler Unlimited Rubicon CRC), Redcat Racing's Everest and Volcano, all the way down (the scale) to the ECX KickFlip/BeatBox combo (and many, many more that I've lost track of), it was a banner year for announcements.
With all of these choices, what have been your favorite models or what is the one model that you feel stands out from the pack? There's really no right or wrong answer to that question, it's just fun to see what others in the hobby are drawn to when new vehicles are released.
To kick things off, my favorite new R/C vehicle that was announced in 2014 would either be the Vaterra Ascender or the Axial Yeti (1/10). Granted, I haven't driven either of these, nor do I own either of them, but from what I've read, seen in videos, and heard from some reliable sources, they are some amazing vehicles that appear to have raised the level of excitement for the hobby.
If I had to pick a newly-released vehicle that I own, I'd say the KickFlip and BeatBox take that prize. I know I've been writing quite a bit about these two, however their low cost and small, yet fun size make them perfect indoor vehicles as we head into colder weather.
Post your choice(s) in the comments section and we'll highlight a selection of them in this post.
If social media is your style, leave us a comment on Twitter, Facebook, or Google Plus with the hashtag #bestrc2014 and we'll check out those sugestions as well.