What's the next vehicle you'll be parking in your R/C garage?

By: Tim Gluth
Throwing another question out to you guys. Ready? Here we go: What's the next r/c vehicle your planning to add to your garage and why? After rocking the Traxxas Slash (affiliate link) for a year I added the ECX Smash (affiliate link) to my personal lineup earlier this year. It's an amazingly fun little machine and I'm glad I added it. That aside, I'm not looking for my next acquisition (though it will be a little while off).
After seeing folks like Josh Howard and Matthew Horsley driving around with their crawlers, I'm tempted to make that my next pick. That said, I have an interest in an on-road or rally car too. Too many great choices lead to some difficult, yet fun decisions.
What are your plans for new R/C vehicles?