True Blue: Tamiya's Neo Scorcher Metallic Blue Buggy

By: Tim Gluth

If the styling of a classic R/C buggy is where it’s at for you and you’re looking for a unique, sleek model to add to (or begin) your collection, take a look at what Tamiya’s got planned for early 2018. Riding on their TT-02 chassis, the Neo Scorcher Metallic Blue Buggy (TT-02B) kit has a few modifications to make it perform better when running off-road.

From Tamiya:

“The TT-02B (B is for buggy version) uses the TT-02 on-road version as its base, adding longer suspension arms, CVA shock units, and buggy bumpers to give it great off-road performance. Of course, it retains the TT-02's excellent drivability and ease of assembly and maintenance, while motor cooling ducts and receiver case add to the model's durability.”

There haven’t been many other details released for the Neo Scorcher Metallic Blue Buggy, but you can get a better picture of what components this kit may include by reviewing details about the “standard” Neo Scorcher.

Since this model is a kit, you’ll need to supply your own 2-channel radio system (transmitter and receiver), transmitter batteries, vehicle battery pack, battery charger and tools.

The Tamiya Neo Scorcher Blue Metallic buggy should carry a retail price of $159.99 and will be available in January 2018. Check the product page on for updates as additional specs and details are released.

Image credit: Tamiya

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