Traxxas Sledgehammer Extreme Terrain Tires for the Rustler 4x4

By: Tim Gluth

Traxxas has released a new set of super-sized, pre-mounted tires for their Rustler and 4x4 and Rustler 4x4 VXL. With an aggressive tread pattern and extra-large size, their Sledgehammer Extreme Terrain Tire aims to add traction and improved ground clearance.

Significantly larger than the stock Talon EXT 2.8 tires, the Sledgehammer tires eclipse the stock Traxxas rubber in both height and width. The taller height aid in ground clearance while the wider contact area should provide improved handling and grip.

Traxxas Sledgehammer Tire Comparison

Priced at $38.00 per pair, you can purchase the Sledgehammer tires directly through both Traxxas and their dealers. Visit to learn more about these R/C truck tires.

Image credit: Traxxas

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