The DRL Teams Up with The Grand Tour for "Drone Games"

If you've witnessed any competitive drone racing competitions, you know that the action is incredibly fast and furious. The pilots in any major multi-rotor racing series have serious skills when it comes to precision flying. As action-filled as those events are, nothing quite compares to what you'll encounter during the "Drone Games".
This collaboration between the Drone Racing League and Amazon Video's The Grand Tour pits the pilots of the DRL against each other in a variety of skills-based competitions, from "Cut and Run", "Drone Darts", and a tailgating classic, "Cornhole". While most of these games are traditional, leisurely activities, they've been given an attitude adjustment by mixing in multi-rotor aircraft.
I'll admit that the idea of piloting a quadcopter while being slung around in the back seat of a car sounds...appealing, and only magnifies the skill that these DRL pilots possess. If the teaser video above is enough to raise your pulse, be sure to check out the full collaboration on Amazon's The Grand Tour.
Image credit: The Drone Racing League & The Grand Tour