Tamiya 1991 Audi DTM Touring Car

By: Tim Gluth

Are you looking for a unique racing replica to add to your R/C collection? If so, Tamiya has announced a new on-road kit that's aimed squarely at fans of early-90's DTM racing. Built on the TT-02 chassis the Tamiya 1991 Audi V8 Touring Car Kit offers an opportunity to build a stylish European-bred racing machine that should perform as well as it looks.

With a detailed polycarbonate body and plenty of molded and add-on details, this 1991 Audi DTM replica features the same styling and design cues that you'd find on the 1:1 model.

Tamiya 1991 Audi V8 Touring Car Kit - Box Art

Under the hood, you'll find Tamiya's TT-02 chassis platform, which serves as the foundation for this and many other Tamiya models. Featuring four-wheel drive, a 540-size brushed motor, and TBLE-02S ESC, this kit offers plenty of performance, letting it live up to its real-life counterpart.

Priced at $183.00, this 1991 Audio DTM Touring Car kit will be available directly from Tamiya and their dealers. Visit tamiyausa.com to learn more about this 1/10-scale R/C car.

Image credit: Tamiya

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