Take a Ride on the Wild Side with ARRMA's V2 Infraction 6S BLX All-Road Truck [Video]

By: Tim Gluth

Although the ARRMA Felony is the new kid on the block, the original "street bash" machine is still alive and kicking. Revamped for 2020, ARRMA's Infraction 6S BLX All-Road Truck has a new look and some new goodies under the hood.

There's no denying that this truck is stunning in still photos, but you really get a feel for what it can do when you see it in action. Thinking about parking this beauty in your R/C garage? Maybe some at-speed and slo-mo footage of this 1/7-scale speed truck will help you make up your mind.

Find out more about the second-generation ARRMA Infraction 6S BLX at arrma-rc.com.

Image credit: ARRMA

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