Snap up the DJI Phantom 3 Standard Quadcopter for $375.00 at

The weather isn't the only thing heating up. If you look around, you'll find a number of great deals and savings on any number of R/C car, truck, and aircraft models. For you aspiring pilots and aerial photographers, is running a sale on one of DJI's Phantom quadcopter models, and it's an offer that's hard to turn down.
For a limited time, you can buy the DJI Phantom 3 Standard Quadcopter, which includes a 3-axis gimbal and 2.7k camera, for $375.00. That's a savings of $424.00 (53%) over it's regular price of $799.00. This is a new, in-box model and not a refurbished option, so you'll be getting a brand new quadcopter for a price that's hard to beat.
The DJI Phantom 3 Standard features a number of flight assists, from auto-hover, safe flight limits, direction and status indicators, making it a full-featured option for pilots of any skill level.
The included 2.7k camera captures HD video (30 fps) with an option for full, 1080p recording. Still photos can also be captured (12 megapixel JPG or DNG RAW format).
The quadcopter itself is an incredibly capable aircraft with smooth, stable flight at its very core. The DJI Phantom 3 Standard can be flown up to a half-mile away thanks to the 5.8GHz radio system. An included 2600mah LiPo battery provides the steady stream of power needed to fly great distances and capture amazing video and photos.
No end-date for this sale has been listed, however, I wouln't wait too long. If you've been looking to get into radio-controlled flight, this is a solid quadcopter option at an amazing price.
Learn more about the DJI Phantom 3 Standard quadcopter at
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