School's in Session: Redcat Racing Announces Support of Ten80 Education

The application of radio-controlled technology in education is one that, admittedly, I wish I had when I was growing up. Putting that slight twinge of jealousy aside, it's great to see the merger of R/C and education, especially when there's backing from a major brand.
Redcat Racing has announced its support of Ten80 Education, a STEM-based organization that teaches K-12 students about applications in science, technology, engineering, and math. Redcat Racing is supplying a variety of R/C models to Ten80 Education for use in their programs.
One program that Ten80 Education offers is their Student Racing Challenge, which provides students an opportunity to learn what it's like to own, manage, and maintain a racing team and apply a variety of skills, such as business, product performance, and R&D, in a real-world scenario.
For a deeper dive into Redcat Racing's involvement with Ten80 Education, here is an interview that Redcat Racing had with Ten80 president and CEO, Terri Stripling:
Redcat Racing (RR): “How do you feel Ten80 is changing education?”
Terri Stripling (TS): “Meeting a variety of interests and learning styles, the suite of Ten80 Student STEM Challenges stimulates a love for math and science while helping students develop real-world skills. We want to inspire our students to think differently. Problem-solving and innovative thinking should be an enjoyable and rewarding experience, which is why we use Redcat radio-controlled cars in our curriculum. We teach our students that doing things differently is a wonderful thing.
RR: “Would you say that Redcat vehicles are helping to develop real-world skills in your students?”
TS: “Absolutely. Redcat’s RC cars help students to embrace their curiosity, engage in creative problem solving and make data-driven decisions, which prepares them for current career opportunities, but also those jobs that don’t yet exist.”
RR: “That is wonderful to hear. How would you say Redcat is helping to inspire this next generation to become innovative thinkers?”
TS: “Redcat’s RC cars allow students to experiment with creative design solutions and find multiple approaches to solving a problem. Ten80 students don’t just follow car assembly instructions. They engage their imaginations and critical thinking skills to turn innovative ideas into realities. This may mean creating and manufacturing an entirely new part from their own CAD designs.”
“Ten80 Education provides a broad, balanced and connected STEM curriculum that excites and stimulates youth while also providing a range of skills that will prepare them for a wide variety of careers. Using the Redcat radio-controlled cars, student teams seamlessly combine and apply 21st Century Skills to analyze data, debrief and obtain vital performance information in order to optimize car and team performance.”
RR: “It is amazing to hear how much impact you’ve had on these young minds with the help of Redcat vehicles. We are so thankful for what you are all doing at Ten80 education. Thank you Terri.”
TS: “It is our pleasure and we thank you for your help and support.”
To learn more about Redcat Racing's partnership with Ten80 Education, visit or
Image credit: Redcat Racing/Ten80 Education