Scary savings on R/C gear (and some great contests) from,, and more!

By: Tim Gluth
Trick-or-treat! Halloween is a little over a week away, and a few online hobby shops are getting the treats ready early with some great deals and extra savings. Fancy a shiny, apple-red Axial Yeti XL or do you have an eye (or three) on the new 1/18 machines from Dromida? Even if you're looking to upgrade your ride with new parts to make it scream, there are great offers that are worth checking out.
- - Along with their usual Flash Sales, they are running a contest to give away two 3Racing Sakura D3s. Learn more about the contest.
- - Another great contest is going on where you can enter to win some great prizes such as t-shirts, a quad-copter, buggy, and even an R/C airplane. Learn more about this contest on XHeli's Facebook page.
- - No contests here, just some great deals and opportunities to pre-order some of the newest rigs to hit the market.