Save on Brushless Motors at

By: Tim Gluth

Whether you run a radio-controlled car, truck, helicopter or quadcopter, there's one thing you need to make any of those machines move. Any guesses?  If you said batteries, you're halfway there (technically a percentage). Motors are mainly what move your R/C. is running a sale on an array of brushless motors for surface and air vehicles, with some brands receiving additional discounts. EMax, Gens Ace, Torro, and AeroSky are among the brands listed.

AeroSky motors receive an additional 10% off with coupon code "AEROSKY10". The rest of the sale items are priced as marked.

No end date has been posted for this sale, so if you're in the market for a new brushless motor for your radio-controlled vehicle, now might be the time to pick one (or a few) up. Visit for additional details. 

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