Save 20% on Traxxas Bodies, Tires, & Wheels at AMain Hobbies

By: Tim Gluth

Now is a great time to give your Traxxas machine a fresh, new look during the "Keep the Fun Going" sale. If you're an AMain Hobbies fan, you can take advantage of 20% off all Traxxas bodies, tires, and wheels, now through March 31, 2023.

Whether you run on-road cars, off-road trucks, buggies, or crawlers, there are a wide array of pre-painted and clear bodies to choose from, not to mention an assortment of tires and wheels, both separate and pre-mounted.

To give you an example of some of the savings you'll discover during this sale, you can pick up a Traxxas TRX-4 Pre-Painted Orange Body with Exocage for $127.96. If you prefer to bash, why not outfit your Traxxas Sledge with a new Prographix body for only $39.96?

If tires and wheels are what you're in need of the most, you'll find plenty of options including Traxxas Drag Slash Rear Tires for $18.49 and Pre-Mounted Traxxas Maxx Sledgehammer Tires for $33.99.

View all of the Traxxas bodies that are on sale during the Keep the Fun Going event at

Image credit: AMain Hobbies

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