Rock Racing Action with the Redcat Racing Wendigo [Video]

By: Tim Gluth

So far, I've been able to resist the siren call of the Redcat Racing Wendigo rock racer, but I'm not sure how much longer I can hold out. While this 1/10-scale, brushless-powered beast looks great in still photos, it looks even better in action.

For their latest video, the Redcat Racing folks turned three of these rock racers loose on one gnarly-looking course and pushing these machines to the limit. If you have the slightest interest in adding the Wendigo to your R/C lineup, you'll want to take a peek at the video below.

At $389.99, the Redcat Racing Wendigo aims to bring big-dollar fun to the budget-minded hobbyist. Based on what I've seen from this machine so-far, it delivers. To learn more about this 1/10-scale radio-controlled rock racer, visit

Image credit: Redcat Racing

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