Redcat Releases "V2" of its Portal Axle Upgrade Kit for the Everest GEN7

By: Tim Gluth

Among the R/C crawlers in Redcat's lineup, the GEN8 and GEN8 AXE Edition have established themselves as the belle of the ball. While the GEN8 is a great machine and one of my personal favorites, let's not forget about the Everest GEN7.

A stout rig in its own right, the GEN7 offers novice hobbyists a chance to experience the R/C crawling scene without blowing through a massive budget. While the Everest GEN7 is a rather bare-bones machine, it does have a few upgrade options, including a re-tooled Portal Axle Upgrade Kit.

The second-generation Everest GEN7 Portal Axle Upgrade Kit from Redcat offers the ability to transform your GEN7 crawler from a straight-axle rig into an off-roading monster. With higher ground clearance and durable construction, this pre-assembled axle kit should have you conquering obstacles like never before.

Priced at $89.99, the Redcat Portal Axle Upgrade Kit V2 is available online at

Image credit: Redcat

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