Redcat Racing Releases Hop-up Gear for the GEN8 International Scout II

By: Tim Gluth

Customization is part of the fun of the hobby, and it's at the heart of scale R/C. Capitalizing on the popularity of their GEN8 Scout II trail rig, Redcat Racing has announced an array of exterior and internal upgrade parts for this new model.

If you want to make the outside of your GEN8 stand out from the rest, you can now pick up a Scout II clear body, complete with window masks and decal sheets. An additional exterior upgrade is an aluminum grille which can easily be swapped out for the stock black version.

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For tricking out the chassis, Redcat Racing has an aluminum transmission case, an aluminum transfer case, and an aluminum center skid plate. If you want added durability for your drivetrain, they've also released a heavy-duty, steel-splined driveshaft set.

All of these upgrade parts should make the GEN8 stand out even more than it already does, and some of the items, specifically the aluminum center skid plate, will help performance on rough trails.

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Redcat Racing GEN8 Upgrade Parts:

To learn more about the GEN8 Scout II and its upgrades, visit

Image credit: Redcat Racing

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