Re-live the excitement of AxialFest 2014

By: Tim Gluth
As one of the few who wasn't attending AxialFest last weekend, I did my best to follow along through various social media channels and was able to live vicariously through the posts of Tim Smith, Mike Baker, Parker, Charlie Suangka, and others. Still, that didn't match the thrill of actually being there.
If you were one of the at-home viewers of the festivities, or even if you were at the event and want to bask in the glory once again, here are some photo and videos that do a great job at capturing the action from the weekend.
- Amazing photos of AxialFest action from Matt Fredericks
- RichDog51’s video of AxialFest ’14
- Highlight video by R/C Aquatic
Have you seen any other photos or videos that are your favorites or even better, were you at this year’s bash and have your own to share? If so, feel free to post links in the comments section!