RCNewb is getting track time!

By: Tim Gluth

I've been a firm believer in the idea for ultimate brand loyalty (beyond having people repeatedly buy your product and speak good of it to others) is to have them display the logo, tag line, what-have-you of your brand on their most-prized possessions. This can vary from a simple decal on the back window of a car to having a logo inked onto a body part. That, my friends, is love.

In the short time that RCNewb.com has been in existence, I've been floored by the great folks I've met and the folks that have supported and helped to promote this site. Yesterday, I was floored even further by photos sent to me by Wayne Nagata, who recently received a set of RCNewb decals. Wayne recently jumped back into the R/C racing scene and will be rocking our logo on his on-road racer at Tamiya's R/C track. He's racing on May 11th and I'll be anxious to hear how he does.

Go get 'em Wayne and thank you for your continued support of this site!

Photo credit: Wayne Nagata

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