RC Newb Podcast - Episode 35: Telling Stories Through Video with Terry McGee (RCTrailblazr)

By: Tim Gluth

In this episode of the RC Newb Podcast, I am joined by an individual who's not only a R/C enthusiast, but also a talented videographer and visual storyteller. Terry McGee (RCTrailblazr) has style for showcasing his various rigs and radio-controlled machines through video. On top of that, he has been doing some amazing work with his sponsor AsiaTees and has some great insight into what sponsors are looking for and what you can do to better-position yourself in the eyes of brands and manufacturers.

Show notes:

  • If you’re looking to share your hobby adventures on YouTube, Facebook, or other video-centric websites, make sure your videos stand out from the crowd. Make them unique through camera angles, storytelling, and captivating footage.
  • When looking to attract sponsors, keep in mind that sponsorships, at any level, should be treated as a job.
  • View Terry McGee’s R/C videos on YouTube and be sure to check out his photos on Instagram.
  • Terry’s sponsor, AsiaTees.com has allowed him to outfit his fleet of radio-controlled trail trucks with accessories and parts.
  • Keep an eye out for details on the August running of the “Run for the Drum” event in Alberta, Canada. Here is footage from this past April’s event.
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