RC Hobbyist Spotlight: Tony Cece (CCxRC)

By: Tim Gluth

The R/C hobby is meant to be entertaining. After all, why dive into something that you won’t end up enjoying in the long run? Thankfully, this is a hobby built on fun, and centered around entertainment.

When you can’t take your own radio-controlled vehicle out for a drive or for some casual, controlled, chaos, you can rest easy in knowing that you can get your fill through a variety of YouTube channels.

One channel in particular, CCxRC, has made it their mission to provide “RC entertainment for the masses”. If that were a campaign promise, it wouldn’t be a lie or need any fact-checking. Tony Cece, the man behind the channel, has a knack for creating videos that aren’t just fun to watch, but they’re detailed and filled with information. From first-impressions to detailed reviews, he covers a wide array of topics and vehicles within the R/C hobby.

In addition to these in-studio overviews, Tony also pushes the limits of the vehicles in his personal collection through many action-filled videos.



When he’s not capturing footage of his many R/C adventures, Tony works as a Humanitarian Photographer for Operation Blessing. The skill that he applies to his career projects and productions are quite apparent when watching his hobby-focused creations. After you watch one of his videos, it's clear to see that they are highly-polished and shot with superb attention to detail.

To see more of Tony’s videos, check out his CCxRC YouTube channel and follow his Google + page for additional radio-controlled entertainment.

Image element credits: Tony Cece

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