R/C for a Cause: Help give a young boy the gift of joy (and hope)

We are a strong community. We are helpful. We are passionate. We are R/C. More times than I can count, people within this hobby have reached out a helping hand to those in need. With Christmas a day away, this Facebook post by Chad Thom stuck with me.
Howdy friends!! Meet Elliot he is 8 years old and was diagnosed with leukemia 10 months ago. Me and my family wanted to do something to bring joy into his life. So with parts we have laying around from past builds we almost have enough to build him an SCX10 Crawler. We plan on purchasing the rest or if you are able to help when I get a list together that would be great! We plan on having this ready by mid to late January provided everything works out.
Rc_4_A_Cure and Aaron Bailey will be helping me spread the word. Thank you and God bless Elliot!
Please share and help bring awareness to find a cure!
My hat is off to Chad for building Elliot an amazing SCX10 rig! If you want to help out with the final remaining parts that are needed, you can get in touch with Chad on Facebook.