Racing and Event News – December 7, 2014

By: Tim Gluth
Sticking with the racing theme for the day, here are some updates and news items for future race and crawling events that will wrap up this year and kick off the new year.
- 2015 IFMAR Yatabe Worlds: Astrogate - (posted on - Offroad RC Car News)
- Reedy Race control tire announcement - (posted on - RC Car News)
- WHERE'S WALDO: Will the 2015 IFMAR Electric Off-Road Worlds be held on astroturf? - (posted on
- NEW DATE--- KCRC TOYS FOR TOTS RACE --- December 19,20 - (posted on R/C Tech Forums)
- 2015 TAS State Title 6-7-8th FEB - (posted on R/C Tech Forums)