Pro-Line Prism Off-Road Carpet 2WD Buggy Tires

By: Tim Gluth

Pro-Line has brought their Prism short course tires design to the world of 2WD R/C buggy racing with their off-road carpet buggy tires (front and rear). With their pyramid-style tread pins, these tires should provide superb grip for your R/C racing needs.

Both the front and rear sets of Prism tires are available in either Z3 (medium carpet) or Z4 (soft carpet) compound. The Prism 2.0 rear tires can also be mounted with either a less aggressive or more aggressive sidewall exposed to the outside of your buggy. Depending on the track condition and layout, you may want more/less grip and these tires let you choose how you want to attack the course.

Pro-Line Prism Carpet Buggy Tires - Front

The rear set of Pro-Line Prism tires is priced at $17.81 per pair and the front set is priced at $16.11 per pair. Each set of tires can be purchased online or at your local Pro-Line dealer. Visit to learn more about this R/C buggy tires.

Image credit: Pro-Line

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