Pro-Line Hyrax All Terrain Tires for the Traxxas UDR

By: Tim Gluth

It looks like the mad scientists at Pro-Line have been hard at work developing a new tire for the desert racing fans, and the tire model they've cooked up might surprise you. Popular with the R/C crawling crowd, the Pro-Line Hyrax All Terrain tire is now available for the Traxxas Unlimited Desert Racer.

Featuring the same tread design as their 1.9" and 2.2" crawling tires and made from their Desert Racing compound, this new set of trophy truck tires should improve traction and handling performance on sand and dirt surfaces. Each pack of Hyrax All Terrain Tires includes two tires and two open-cell foam inserts.

Pro-Line Hyrax Tires for the Traxxas UDR - Detail

Priced at $36.51 per pair, the Hyrax All Terrain tires for the Traxxas UDR will be available online and through your favorite Pro-Line dealer. Visit to learn more about this off-road R/C truck tires.

Image credit: Pro-Line

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