Pro-Line 1979 Ford F-150 Short Course Race Truck Body

By: Tim Gluth

Pro-Line has introduced a new body option for the Traxxas Slash (2wd and 4wd), Team Associated SC10, and other popular 1/10-scale short course trucks. Their 1979 Ford F-150 Race Truck clear body brings with it a sleek, yet old-school design that will quickly transform the look of your radio-controlled SCT.

As with their other clear body options, this body is made from durable Lexan polycarbonate and also includes pre-applied overspray film, window masks, and a detailed decal sheet.

Pro-Line 1979 Ford F-150 SCT Body - Rear

Priced at $42.46, Pro-Line's '79 Ford F-150 Race Truck body will be available online and through your local Pro-Line dealer. Visit for additional details on this R/C body.

Image credit: Pro-Line

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