Powershift RC Unveils Light Kits for the Axial SCX10 III Jeep Wrangler JLU Kit

By: Tim Gluth

LED lighting guru, Jonathan Baskins, has been hard at work in his lab at Powershift RC, cranking out some goodies to Axial's latest SCX10 model. If you're rocking (or plan on rocking) an SCX10 III Jeep Wrangler JLU Kit and want to energize its scale appeal, Powershift RC has released three LED lighting kits for this new R/C crawler.

Whether you want to outfit the exterior or interior of your rig with light, there are three LED kits to help you illuminate your SCX10 III. For starters, an OEM kit has been designed to light up the headlights and tailights of your Jeep Wrangler body.

Powershift RC LED Dashboard Light Kit for the Axial SCX10 III

If you're hitting the trail late at night and need some extra ground visibility, Powershift's Rock Light Kit will make the trail easy to see, especially when traveling over tougher terrain.

Finally, a dashboard light kit will help you finish off the interior of your build, allowing you to light up the instrument cluster and GPS display decals that are included with the SCX10 III kit.

Powershift RC LED Kits for the Axial SCX10 III

To learn more about these and other scale R/C accessories, visit powershiftrc.com.

Image credit: Powershift RC

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