PowerShift RC Releases an LED Light Kit for New Bright's 1/8-scale 2021 Ford Bronco

By: Tim Gluth

As soon as I saw the 2021 Ford Bronco reveal, I was hooked on this reborn off-roading legend. Soon after the full-size model was announced, New Bright released their 1/8-scale version, offering a hands-on look at the styling of the 1:1 model.

One great thing about the New Bright model is the body's size. While it's listed as 1/8-scale, it can be removed and repurposed to fit a 1/10-scale R/C crawler chassis (with a 12.0" wheelbase). With a little work and creativity, you can be roaming around the great outdoors with your own updated Bronco. But what about lights?

To tackle that task, PowerShift RC has released an LED light kit that's been developed for the 1/8-scale New Bright 2021 Ford Bronco body. Including headlights, taillights, and front marker lights, this kit will help you add additional scale detail to what's become a very popular scale R/C body.

PowerShift RC New Bright 2021 Ford Bronco LED Light Kit - Rear

Priced at $15.99, the PowerShift RC LED Light Kit for the New Bright 2021 Ford Bronco is available for purchase at powershiftrc.com. As for the New Bright Bronco body, that can be found at Walmart (online or in-store).

If you have another R/C project that needs LED lights or other electronic add-ons, check out the full array of items available from PowerShift RC.

Image credit: PowerShift RC

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