Pilot and Scale Air Enthusiast Patrick Ash Joins Team Futaba

By: Tim Gluth

Futaba has added a new pilot to their ever-growing team, skilled flyer and scale fanatic, Patrick Ash.

From Hobbico/Futaba:

The Futaba Air Team welcomes a talented new member: accomplished scale, warbird, and competition RC pilot Patrick Ash. Patrick has won the Dino DiGiorgio Memorial / WMWA (World Miniature Warbirds Association) “Best Scale Flight” Award and was accepted into the Top Gun Invitational in 2011. The following year, he placed Top Five in Pro- Am Class.

Patrick became hooked on ying models after seeing them at a “Mall Show” in his Kentucky hometown. He cut his teeth on the Cox PT-19 control line plane. Next came his rst RC trainer, a Thunder Tiger 40, own using the Futaba Skysport 4. As his obsession grew, Patrick upgraded to a Hobbico Star re 40 sport plane and Futaba Skysport 6.

“I grew up in a family that revolved around aviation,” Patrick says. “Dad was an airline pilot, mom was a ight attendant, and I became a ight mechanic.” He works as Aircraft MX Specialist for Sikorsky Aircraft Development and Flight Test Center in Jupiter, Florida, a short drive from his residence in Port St. Lucie.

Patrick’s mechanical skills come in handy with his primary interest, building and detailing models of full-scale aircraft. “I have always enjoyed military aviation and preserving the history of our war ghters,” he says. Team Futaba is proud to have Patrick on board. Look for him at RC events all season!

Learn more about Patrick and the rest of Futaba's fleet of pilots and drivers at futabarc.com.

Image credit: Futaba

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