Painting Inspiration - HemiStorm RC

By: Tim Gluth

Art is defined as follows:

the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power.

By that definition, the spectrum on which something can be considered art is very broad.  While some people prefer scultpures or drawings or “traditional” paintings as their favorite form of art, mine is, and has always been, automobile art.  Specifically the paint that drapes those machines.

My love for cars is one of the main reasons I love the radio-controlled hobby as it’s a great way for me to tinker, build, create, and enjoy cars (on a budget that I can afford).  I also enjoy finding out new ways and techniques in which I can customize my own vehicles.  Through that learning, I also have the joy of discovering many great artists.  These artists don’t work with your traditional oils and canvas.  They typically work in, and show a mastery of aeresol paint and Lexan.  One of these great R/C artists is HemiStorm RC (aka Chris de Graaf).

I’ve been following Chris’s painting exploits for more than a year and am amazed at what he is able to do, both with paint and with his project builds.  His YouTube channel is a neverending gallery of speed and beauty with each new project seeminly outperforming the last.

Here are a few of his more-ambitous activities.

RC Trophy Truck on a Budget

Ken Block’s Mustang - 1/5-scale Replica

King of Hammers 2015 RC Build

Not only does he use his YouTube channel to display his work, he does an amazing job of explaining the painting and design process that he uses with each build.  If you’re looking for new ways to paint or just need a little visual “kick in the pants” check out HemiStorm RC.

Image credit: HemiStorm RC

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