New Scale SCT Ford Atlas Body from JConcepts

By: Tim Gluth
Hot on the heels of their new scale crawler tire release, JConcepts has hit us with another amazing piece, the Ford Atlas SCT Absolute Scaler Body. At first glance, it may look like just another lid for a short course truck, but the more you stare at it, the more detail you’ll see, not only in the decals but the body lines and accents as well.
This is one nice body that’s sure to dress up your Traxxas Slash or other SCT. JConcepts does not that you’ll need Pro-Line’s Extended Body Mounts for a proper fit. Learn more about the new Ford Atlas body at
Additional parts information:
- PL Extended Body Mounts (Traxxas Slash) - PRO6070-00
- PL Extended Body Mounts (Traxxas Slash 4x4) - PRO6087-00
Image credit: JConcepts
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