LiveRC is Partnering with ESPN to Cover the National Drone Racing Championships

By: Tim Gluth

Another day, another major announcement regarding the sport of multi-rotor/quadcopter racing. With much attention being given to this sport, one of the more-intriguing aspects (for me) has been the push to make it a household, mainstream spectator sport. I'm hopeful that it can, one day, become as popular as some forms of auto racing, drawing millions of eyeballs to the sport (and the hobby), but that end destination remains to be seen. That said, the news that LiveRC, the current leader (if not the pioneer) in quality radio-control racing coverage and timing/scoring, has announced that they are partnering with ESPN to cover the upcoming Drone Sports Association's US National Drone Racing Championships (presented by GoPro).

Taking place August 6th and 7th from Governors Island in New York City, the event now boasts multiple ways to view the action from the comfort of your home, office, or anywhere else you want to get your R/C quadcopter racing fix. Video from the event will be viewable live on ESPN 3 and the Watch ESPN app, with LiveRC providing their timing and scoring and broadcast expertise through

The Drone National Championships will contain four main categories of competition; drone, team, freestyle, and wing. Along with these, there will be numerous opportunities to catch the in-air action through practice rounds, qualifying races and the ultimately, the finals and championships. With pilots travelling from all over the world to compete, this is shaping up to be an amazing showcase of technology and talent.

If you've been interested in multi-rotor/drone racing, this event is a great opportunity to see it unfold on a grand scale. Learn more about LiveRC's participation in this event on their website.

Image credit: LiveRC

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