Land Rover Defender Body Sets for the Traxxas TRX-4

By: Tim Gluth

In my brief time inspecting a Traxxas TRX-4 at my local hobby shop, one of the store employees mentioned that Traxxas would start to release accessories and option parts for their new rig in the near future. Well folks, future is now.

Traxxas has made three body set options available for their 1/10-scale radio-controlled trail machine. Based on the stock ready-to-run (RTR) Land Rover Defender body, these new bodies include two painted lids (red and graphite) and one clear set, for those of you that want to create your own custom look.

Each body set is made of durable polycarbonate and requires no trimming or cutting. Decals are included with each kit, with the clear body also gaining window masks.

Traxxas TRX-4 Land Rover Defender Body Sets

If you've been looking for a different color for your Traxxas TRX-4 or would like to create your own unique look, these body set options offer a great starting point.

Image credit: Traxxas

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