Keep your R/C workspace tidy with a Kling-On RC rack [Review]

By: Tim Gluth

As much as I try, I can't seem to stay ahead of the clutter and mess that forms on my R/C workbench. Whether it's a complete vehicle, scale accessories, tools, or a project that's eternally "in progress", there's always something that's sitting on my table. A few months ago, I saw Tim Smith talking about a neat solution to that problem; The Kling-On RC rack. After dealing with one-too-many messes, I reached out to George Walton of Kling-On RC to learn more about their products.

Doing one better than just answering my questions about their product, he shipped me two review models to test out. Their smaller rack (KOR-1011) is designed for 1/10-scale crawlers, scalers, and rock racers. The larger variant (KOR-1311) is perfect for the Traxxas Slash, Axial Wraith and other larger, 1/8 and 1/10-scale vehicles. On the surface, the racks look like a basic design for a basic function. That's true, but that's also the beauty in these racks. They aren't complex, and remove clutter from within their own design, allowing them to do one thing very well.

Keeping it clean
I wasn't sure what to expect from the build quality/materials when I opened up the box that the racks had arrived in. From the details I learned off of, the racks look sturdy and well-built, however photos can be deceiving. I had a small rush of excitement when I held the product in my hands and could sense the strength in the material used, right down to the lightly-textured black paint coating. I can honestly say, I've never been this happy with a metal object before. That's saying something.

After admiring the manufacturing quality for a while, I located an ideal spot in my workshop to mount the rack. I have a pegboard sheet that acts as my shop wall and I was pleasantly surprised to find the mounting holes in the Kling-On RC rack matched up perfectly with those in the board. Mounting hardware isn't included with the rack, so I made a quick trip to my local hardware store to take care of that.

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Mounting the rack by myself took a matter of minutes. If you’re mounting it from one side of a wall, it will take less time and maneuvering than if you’re mounting it to a pegboard like I did. That said, the process was simple and easy. Insert bolts, add washers/nuts, and tighten. Done. Now onto the fun part.

The rack is, as mentioned earlier, very stable. The metal isn’t too thin or too thick. If you want to, you can bend it if you pull or push on the rack fins with enough force. What is enough force? It’s more than a radio-controlled car weighs (and apparently more than a 30-pound dumbbell weighs too). There isn’t any sign of flex or stress on the rack when you set your vehicle on it. The shelf fins are designed to avoid flat-spotting tires by providing multiple points of contact. This helps ensure the downward pull from the vehicle isn’t applied to one specific area of the front (or rear) tires and also helps keep the vehicle from rolling off the rack onto the ground.

After everything was set, I took a step back, saw the newly-cleared space on my workshop table, smiled, and placed an order for a second KOR-1011 for the Frankencrawler. True story.

Service that’s second-to-none
When the two review racks shipped, I received them within a few days of contacting George. My official, paid order arrived in an equally-short amount of time. Any questions that I’ve had about the product (which haven’t been many) were answered quickly and professionally. Amazing service from a small, family-owned operation. The support and service alone was reason enough for me to order a second rack for my Redcat Racing machine. The fact that the product is well-made is a bonus.

KOR-1011 Specifications

  • Inside track width: 5”
  • Outside track width: 10”
  • Height: 11”
  • R/C Models supported: 1/10 scalers, 1/10 crawlers, 1/10 Tamiya off-road vehicles, Axial SCX10, Vaterra Twin Hammers, New Bright R/C vehicles
  • Price: $21.99

KOR-1311 Specifications

  • Inside track width: 7”
  • Outside track width: 13”
  • Height: 11”
  • R/C Models supported: 1/8 buggies and truggies, 1/10 buggies and truggies, 1/10 short course trucks, 1/10 monster trucks, Axial Wraith, Traxxas Slash
  • Price: $24.99


If you’re looking for space on your workbench or want a unique way to show off your collection of vehicles, check out Kling-On RC’s products for yourself. If my experience is any indication, you won’t be disappointed.

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