JConcepts '89 Ford F-150 "California" Monster Truck Body for the Traxxas Stampede

By: Tim Gluth

JConcepts has released a new body option for the Traxxas Stampede (Bigfoot 4x4 model #36034), and it's a great option if you're looking to bring a bit of 1:1 realism to your 1/10-scale monster truck. The 1989 Ford F-150 "California" body features the same visual stylings as the full-scale model, making this a great option for changing up the look of your radio-controlled rig.

Made from durable polycarbonate, this clear body is a direct fit for the Bigfoot-edition Stampede. Included in the body set are window masks and a decal sheet. The body has pre-applied overspray film, making the painting process a bit easier for hobbyists of any skill level.

JConcepts California Traxxas Stampede Body - Side

Priced at $25.50, the 1989 Ford F-150 "California" Monster Truck body is available directly through JConcepts and their dealers. Visit jconcepts.net to learn more about this 1/10-scale R/C truck body.

Image credit: JConcepts

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