HPI Jumpshot ST 2.0

By: Tim Gluth

HPI has announced a new version of their popular stadium truck model, the Jumpshot ST 2.0. With a refreshed look and upgraded internal components, this brushed-powered machine should make for an excellent basher and all-around fun R/C model.

Among the highlights of this upcoming release are an enhanced, 12-turn 550-size brushed motor, beefier drivetrain and suspension parts, and a battery box that's easier to access.

HPI Jumpshot ST 2.0 - Side

The chassis design remains the same, with twin metal plates acting as bread for an electronic and mechanical sandwich. The internal component layout is well thought-out and should make for easy maintenance when the need arises.

Most batteries with t-plug connectors can be used, including NiMh and LiPo packs. No price has been announced for this model, but I'd expect it to cost between $200 and $250 when it's released.

HPI Jumpshot ST 2.0 - Chassis

Visit hpiracing.com to learn more about the Jumpshot ST 2.0 stadium truck.

Image credit: HPI

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