How Awesome is R/C? Let Dude Perfect Show You the Ways... [Video]

By: Tim Gluth

From my experience in the radio-controlled car hobby, I've found that there really is no middle ground to how you can feel about it. You can't "kinda" be into these vehicles, or like to work on a build "a little". You're either all-in or all out (which usually, and sadly) leads to selling off your fleet of machines and leaving the hobby). My own interest has run hot and cold over the years, but that overall passion has always been there. If you're in need of a loving, little lift or want to open a friend's eyes to all that's awesome about the hobby, check out the latest video installment from Dude Perfect.

If the Dude Perfect guys (and panda) don't ring a bell, I'll summarize them by saying they post crazy/funny/over-the-top videos and look like they're having a blast while doing it. They've done a few other RC-related projects in the past, but this one is their largest so-far. Teaming with Traxxas to showcase a number of vehicles, they seem to do it all in this "RC Edition".

From driving under moving vehicles, to jumping onto (and then off of) the Traxxas headquarters building, they put vehicles like the Traxxas Rally, Traxxas Slash, Traxxas E-Revo, and more to the test in a variety of fun, creative, and impressive challenges. The biggest one of them all is their record-breaking radio-controlled car jump, where they sail a Traxxas rig 197 feet over the length of a semi truck and trailer. They stick the landing too.

Check out another entertaining R/C video from Dude Perfect and visit their website to learn more about them.

Feeling inspired? Pick up your own Traxxas radio-controlled vehicle today and get into the action!

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