Horizon Hobby Debuts a Fresh Look for their Website

If you've visited Horizon Hobby's website in the past few days, you might have noticed that they've changed a few things. Earlier this week, the Champaign, IL company launched a refreshed website, offering a clearer view of their products and events, all to give you the information you need in a quick, easy-to-find manner.
Not only has the homepage been refreshed, offering large images of some of their newer products and special offers, but the individual product pages themselves have been overhauled to give you model overviews, specs, photos, videos, and more.
If you're planning your calendar and want to learn about upcoming R/C-themed events, Horizon Hobby has given that section of their website a new look as well. Details on Horizon Hobby RC Fest, Axialfest 2020/21, Axialfest Badlands, and other outings can be found more easily.
To check out the new-look website for yourself, head over to horizonhobby.com.
Image credit: Horizon Hobby