Holiday Hosting Tip #346 - R/C Fruit Salad Prep [Video]

By: Tim Gluth
So you have your family, your extended family, and a few of their acquaintances coming over for a nice holiday meal. You're in a bind, crunched for time, and need to get things made quickly, and efficiently. You're also a R/C car hobbyist. What do you do?
Answer - The Traxxas E-Revo "Fruit Smasher":
Granted cleanup is a bit of a chore, but prep-time is next-to-nothing and, let's face it, its more fun that being stuck in the kitchen, slicing up melon.
All kidding aside, this is another cool video from iJumpRC. If you haven't checked out their work, I encourage you to do so! Great showcase of the hobby and some amazing things that you can do with radio-controlled cars.