Hobbywing Announces its QuicRun Fusion 2-in-1 Brushless System for Crawlers

By: Tim Gluth

Hobbywing has announced a new brushless crawler system (motor and ESC) for 1/10-scale R/C comp and trail rigs. While the idea of a 2-in-1 system isn't new, it's certainly a concept that hasn't seen much action in recent years.

Hobbywing's solution, the QuicRun Fusion FOC System, offers up what appears to be a powerful and compact option for scale R/C enthusiasts who are looking to add a brushless motor to their rig while also reducing internal electronics clutter.

Hobbywing QuicRun Fusion FOC Brushless Crawler System - 2

The ESC and motor are contained within the same unit, and the only additional items you'll find connected to this setup are the power switch and your receiver. The QuicRun Fusion claims to provide smooth driving experience along with impressive drag brake and hill-hold performance.

Two KV rating options are available for the motor, 1200 and 1800, allowing you to select the right amount of power for your rig. To get an idea of how this system will perform, here's a short video of the QuicRun Fusion in action.

Priced at $149.99, the QuicRun Fusion FOC System will be available for purchase through Hobbywing and their dealers. For more details about this 2-in-1 brushless crawler motor setup, visit hobbywingdirect.com.

Image credit: Hobbywing

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