Hands-on with Pro-Line's Pro-Spec Scaler Shocks

By: Tim Gluth

Sometimes, plans change. I’ve had a review set of Pro-Line Pro-Spec Scaler Shocks (90 - 95mm) sitting on my workbench for far too long, mainly due to my waffling between what rig would receive them as an upgrade. While I originally planned to install them into my Redcat Racing GEN8, I decided to change course and install them onto my Everest GEN7.

Between the two models, the GEN7’s stock shocks were the least refined, in both adjustability and finish. This would be a great opportunity to test out Pro-Line’s higher-end scaler shocks.

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Upgrade Benefits

With any upgrade, you’re aiming to make your radio-controlled machine perform better than it did in stock form. Shocks are a great way to not only tweak overall handling but also address specific driving situations. During my time in the hobby, I’ve grown to enjoy the shock setup and install process. Through the years, I’ve had an assortment of shock brands to test out, with each bringing their own characteristics to the table.

The Pro-Spec Scaler Shock is the latest evolution in Pro-Line’s R/C crawler shocks. I have a set of their PowerStroke Scaler Shocks on a Carisma Scale Adventure SCA-1E Lynx and very much enjoy the handling boost that they’ve given that rig. With a similar design and refined adjustment points, it’s time to see how their Pro-Spec offering performs. 

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What you’ll need to complete the installation:

Installing Pro-Line’s Pro-Spec Scaler Shocks

If you consider all of the upgrades you can perform on a radio-controlled vehicle, shocks can be one of the easier projects to conquer. The Pro-Spec Scaler Shocks are particularly easy to install, as they’re pre-assembled and only require oil before mounting.

After unscrewing the top shock cap and removing the spring(s), extend the shock shaft as far down as it will travel and begin filling the shock body with oil. I’m running 35w oil in my shocks, but you can experiment with other weights to find one that gives you preferred performance.

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Once your shock oil has been added, it’s time to bleed the shocks and remove any air bubbles or pockets from inside the body. Push the shock shaft upward and seat the top shock cap, twisting it slightly to prevent it from falling off.

With the cap in place, slowly extend the shock shaft downward and simultaneously tighten the cap. When the cap has been fully tightened and the shaft fully extended, test out the shock travel to see if there is any unintended decompression. If you find the shock shaft extending by itself, chances are, you’ve got a small pocket of air that needs to be released.

As soon as the shocks have been properly filled with oil, bled, and springs re-installed, it’s time to mount them. The set that I received from Pro-Line are 90mm in length (95mm when using the optional lower mount), making them a bit shorter than the stock shocks on the GEN7. Thankfully, I had a few mounting positions to choose from on the GEN7 chassis, allowing me to make up the difference.

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The actual shock installation process is a quick one. Remove the old shocks and mounting hardware and replace it with the new Pro-Spec Scaler shocks and mounting hardware. Once everything is back in place, the real fun begins!

Shock Shakedown

After the last mounting screw has been tightened, it’s time to see how much of an impact this upgrade has made. Before putting the shocks to the test, however, I typically test the wheel travel to make sure I don’t have any unwanted rubbing or binding. Since these shocks were a bit shorter than the stock set, I paid close attention to the amount of space between the tires and inner fenders and dialed-in the adjustment rings accordingly. For what it’s worth, the adjustment rings on these shocks are some of the smoothest and easiest to use that I’ve seen.

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With those tweaks out of the way, it was time to test out the GEN7 with its new suspension. Not surprisingly, they performed perfectly, providing plenty of articulation and flex, even on a set of deck stairs.

Now, I don’t set out on the trail with the intent of tackling steps, but it’s nice to know that these shocks can help my GEN7 out if I do encounter some in the wild. If you’re in the market for a new set of shocks for your radio-controlled rock crawler, these Pro-Spec Scalers are worth taking a look at. Pick up a set for yourself for $61.16 at prolineracing.com.

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