Go Green with Tamiya's "Green Metallic" RC Neo Fighter Buggy

By: Tim Gluth

Tamiya is readying a new variation of their 1/10-scale Neo Fighter Buggy, and this one will have you seeing green. The RC Neo Fighter Buggy "Green Metallic" edition is based on the DT03 platform but features a metallic green body, wing, and green wheels.

It's quite a cool-looking kit and one that should be as fun to build as it is to drive. To complete the building process, you'll need to supply your own radio system (transmitter and receiver), batteries (for the car and transmitter), battery charger, and paint.

Priced at $173.00, the Tamiya RC Neo Fighter Buggy "Green Metallic" edition will be available online. Visit tamiyausa.com for additional details on this model.

Image credit: Tamiya

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