Get Into the Zone with the RCCar.Zone Magazine

By: Tim Gluth

If you're always on the lookout for new ways to learn about the radio-controlled vehicle hobby, a new magazine has launched that is sure to provide top-notch information, news, and details on what's new in the world of R/C. RCCar.Zone is a new monthly publication that will be launching their first issue in early 2016. Speaking from a personal standpoint, I'm excited to see what this new magazine has to offer, knowing who's behind this new venture.

RC Car Zone Cover ImageAnother popular publication, Radio Race Car International, was recently closed down and as a result, the editorial and writing group behind that magazine (along with a few other folks) have formed a new company, with RC Car Zone being the fruit of that labor. The team of Peter Gray, Adrian Jones, and Simon Crabb are main writers and editors for this new publication, which will be provided in a variety of formats (online, app, and eventually print). The best news, for those that like a good deal, is that the PDF version of RC Car Zone will be available for free. To pick up this version of the magazine, visit RCCar.Zone and enter your name and email address. It doesn't get any simpler than that.

Stay up-to-date on the latest from RC Car Zone by visiting their website or follow them on Facebook

Image credit: RCCar.Zone

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